Sunday, September 18, 2011

Have I Become?

I am a huge fan of author Terry Pratchett, and recently reread (yes, I am one of "those" people) one of my favorites; Unseen Academicals.
   If you are not familiar with the Discworld series, I suggest you give it a whirl. Don't be fooled by the genre it is shelved under. Yes, there is magic. Yes, there is fantasy. But there is so much more to it than that, and Pratchett's work appeals to a much broader audience. It is funny, bitter, ridiculous, satirical and smart, very smart...  You will recognize many of our own human habits, exaggerated to the point of  the ludicrous. These books will open your eyes and make you think...
   All that to say, I have been inspired by Mr. Pratchett's work many times over, and have collected a diary of quotes, sayings and just plain honesty over the years. Some are ironic, some are inspiring and some are such bald faced truths, they make me want to weep. So much more than your typical sci-fi/fantasy...

This is one of the first pieces of mixed media art I have shared with anyone outside my immediate family, and the quote is from the book Unseen Academicals, by Terry Pratchett...enjoy

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